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Communication With Teammates

Communicating With Your Team,

They say “it takes a village to raise a child.” I find this true while working on successful projects. Working with other teammates to complete a project does not have to be difficult. Everyone has unique and different skill sets, we need to trust others to accomplish a task to the best of their abilities with the resources that are given to the team. With Resources? Yes, besides the tools that will help complete the project, team members are also valuable resources for each other. We all play a vital role in the process, and we need to respect each others job responsibilities and skills. Looking back on successful projects, relying on others gifted skill sets can actually help the team leader to not carry the weight solely on their own shoulders. Can a football team win with just a quarterback? Yes, yes they can, but it’s hard, not realistic and usually ends unsuccessfully. I don’t know about you, But I like successful projects that we all can be proud of, and it makes it a lot easier to do this as a team, and a lot more fun to celebrate the successful delivery with a team, rather than alone.

Do you want to know what else they say? “To be unclear, is to be unkind.” The single most effective way to work with other team members is with, can you guess it? Communication. Wait, I take that back, not just communication, but clear communication. Communicating with your team is extremely important. Direct clear communication not only does everyone a favor, but it helps the process become stronger, and the end result is a successful project that everyone can be proud of.

Here is a fun exercise on how tone can change the meaning of a sentence. Over pronounce the underlined word:

I never said John stole her money.”

“I never said John stole her money”

“I never said John stole her money”

“I never said John stole her money”

“I never said John stole her money”

“I never said John stole her money”

“I never said John stole her money

Can you see how tone is important? Communication involves a few things: 7 % Words, 38% Tone, and 55% Body Language, to help communicate what you are trying to say. For example, if you email or text your teammate, you are eliminating your tone and body language, which means you are only communicating 7% of what you are actually trying to communicate. That’s pretty low if you ask me.

If you communicate via phone, you are communicating with 18% words and 82% tone. Still not very clear communication, but we are getting better.

The best way to deliver your message is with face to face communication. This allows us to use our body language to clearly communicate our direct conversation.

Some additional things to consider when working with your team members.

Listen: Listening will increase your awareness.

Questions: Phrasing questions to get more information

Empathy and Paraphrasing: Show that you are listening and communicate non defensively.

Verifying the questions: This will give you a better clear understanding.

Request: Give clear concise instructions.

This is just a short list of some effective ways to work well with other team members.

One last, “they say… “

They say, “Respect others the way you want to be respected.” This might not be the official “Golden rule” when working with others, but it’s a good rule to follow.

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