Game and Toy design brings out the youthful imagination in all of us. We carry our youthful spirit through younger generations. These game and Toy concepts might have adult personalities, but they are design for children in mind. Bridging the generation gap in children consumer products, that not only will the kids enjoy, but also their parents.
What separates great products from good ones? Attractive designs? User testing? Genius designers? Well, these might be contributory factors, but the true distinction is in how they make users feel. Every experience has an emotional component. Using your products is no different.
We indulge in the need to always have something electronic in our hands – a tool that connects us to the Internet, our games or to our social networks. We’re bypassing the real world to get a digital quick-fix; our work, play and plans for stress release seem to depend on a broadband connection.
Conceptual design is always evolving. These are some examples of fast ideation. One idea might always lead to another, creating ways to perfect solutions and conquer brain storming exercises.