This SantaFe Memorial Garden wanted a modern look. Time was spent not only into the over all design, but also into marketing and branding to help promote the new landscape area.
This Colorado Memorial Garden wanted a timeless and contemporary look. Branding and a marketing campaign helped launch the new memorial gardens to the community and state.
Fort Collins Colorado Memorial Garden was inspired by a timeless and simple design. A expensive look, without an expensive cost. This design changed the over all appearance and experience.
Fort Myers Florida wanted a garden to remember and tribute our United States veterans. Hard planing and strategy made this garden one of a kind and very successful.
Minnesota Children's Memorial wanted a sophisticated and interactive garden. Branding and marketing helped debut the new garden to the community.
Parks across the county have started to implement shelters for storage, restrooms, information, maintenance, and other useful park recreational uses.
This historical monumental shelter is perfect for park gatherings. It offers a sun shade, historical plaques, seating, and a calming water feature.
This park gathering area was designed for social networking, a place to meet, BBQ, and a place to relax. The gathering includes information about the park, park history, and a water feature.