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In many cases, brand success will depend on the ability to stir positive feelings in the minds of many different people. Therefore, strong branding results from a collaborative effort. Involve your users., in user research data can go along way.


A cross-functional branding strategy that involves marketers, designers and researchers reduces risks of getting it wrong. It also lowers marketing campaign expenditures because you now also have a qualitatively-refined target audience.


The Wall of Ideas

Branding strategy definitely involves the intuition side of your mind. However the use  of data to guide your direction, creates a good foundation for a brand. One way to understand if the brand identity is on the right path in its branding strategy, is to think of the brand strategy as a brand story.


A good story is not just something to read on a page , it’s an experience.  For something to be an experience, it needs to have a beginning, a middle and an end.  Brand strategy boils down to one thing: storytelling. The brand’s strategy is its story, its vision, its heart and soul.

Logo Designer at Work

Once the building blocks of the design are set, it’s time to design. Through this process the brand identity comes to  life and translates the brand into tangible design assets the client can use in marketing materials. The brand identity can be expressed in any number of elements. Depending on the nature of the business, one asset or another may be more or less important. For example, a restaurant should put a lot of thought into their menu and physical space. A digital marketing agency, however, needs to focus more on their website and social media pages.

Product Design

The possibilities with brand touchpoints are constantly updating and evolving with time.


It’s crucial to keep on top of the wide range of touchpoints available to your clients and capitalize on them, otherwise you might find yourself seriously falling behind your competitors while they pick up customers from the places that where missed.


When deciding what Brand Touchpoints to focus on, I start by thinking of the clients  journey, and I pay attention to each and every one of the touchpoints throughout the the clients brand experience the want to achieve.

Electronic Devices on Table

Brand Asset Management is important because The clients brand is important. The clients brand is the cornerstone of their organisation and a top priority for their business.


It can help  stop the wrong logo being used on the wrong background. It can help keep branding consistency across all advertising platforms. 


Keeping brand consistency within all  brand assets is extremely important. This includes analyzing the brand for a re-fresh. 

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